Grading Policies
In this class there are six Lessons, worth 100 points each.
Each Lesson has four activities:
1. Blog – worth 30 points
2. Behavior Analysis – worth 30 points
3. Quiz – worth 30 points
4. Reflection – worth 10 points
Overall grade = 100 points per Lesson
In the grade book, I’ll post your grade on each of the four activities.
When the Lesson is complete, I’ll post your overall grade for the Lesson.
Midterm Project
Instead of a midterm exam, this class has a midterm project.
It is worth a maximum of 100 points.
Final Project
Also, instead of a final exam, this class has a final project.
It is worth a maximum of 100 points.
Total Grade
In total, you may earn a maximum of 800 points in this class.
1. Six Lessons, worth 100 points each = 600 points
2. Midterm project = 100 points
3. Final project = 100 points
Computing Your Average
To compute your average, add together:
1. The 6 Lesson grades (overall grade for each Lesson)
2. Your midterm project grade
3. Your final project grade
Divide the total by 8.
If your total is 675, divide by 8 (675/8) = 84.4
Your average is 84.4%
Letter Grades
I use the traditional method of assigning letter grades.
A = 90 or above
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59 or below