PSYC 3256 Social Psychology

Course Professor

Dr. Anne Yañez

Response times:
I answer email every business day.  Messages received after business hours (or on weekends/holidays) will be answered the next business day.                                                                    


Course Information               

Required Textbook 
Title:  Social Psychology: Theories, Research, and Applications (6th edition)
Authors:  Miller, Bordens & Horowitz
Publisher:  Academic Media Solutions
Year:  2023
Paperback (Full Color): 978-1-955543-30-9
Paperback (B/W): 978-1-955543-26-2 
Loose-Leaf (B/W): 978-1-955543-31-6 
Online eTexbook Access Card: 978-1-942041-28-3

Students may purchase either a digital or print version of the text.

Course Description
This course is a survey of human social behavior from a psychological perspective. The course will consider such topics as the nature of social psychological research, interpersonal attraction, attitude formation and change, advertising and persuasion, aggression, prosocial behavior, and group dynamics.

Course Credits
This course is worth 3 credits.

Course Prerequisites 
At least a C in PSYC 1101 or 1101H, SOCI 1101, 1101H or 1160, and MATH 1401 

Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, students should be able to:
1.  Recognize sense-of-self and perception-of-others thought processes
2.  Identify the behavioral effects of attitude, gender, culture, and groups
3.  Summarize basic principles of conformity, attitudes and persuasion
4.  Explain sources of prejudice, aggression, and conflict
5.  Identify influences on attraction and prosocial behaviors

Technical Information

Student Computer Skills
To be successful in this course, you must be comfortable working in an online environment.  You should be able to submit assignments in MS Word, cut/paste text, work with attachments, and communicate by e-mail.

Technical Support
For technical questions, contact the Brightspace/D2L Help Center.  This includes questions about course access, password assistance, or computer issues.   

Questions about course requirements or assignments should be directed to Dr. Yañez.

Technical Expectations & Requirements
This course is fully online, and requires reliable internet access.  You should have a regular, reliable internet source, and plans for a back-up internet source.  If you must travel for family or work responsibilities, remember that course assignments and quizzes can be submitted from any computer with internet access.  Also, you should have access to a computer, not just a mobile device, to take this course.  Pages do not always download or display well on mobile devices, and it is more difficult to submit assignments.  Also, mobile devices may lose connection during a quiz, and you will be unable to regain access to that quiz. 

MGA Information

University-Wide Policies and Statements


MGA Student Policies
Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to all Middle Georgia State University student policies, including those linked on the Syllabus Policy Page.  

COVID-19 Statement
The University System of Georgia recognizes COVID-19 vaccines offer safe, effective protection and urges all students, faculty, staff and visitors to get vaccinated; however, it is an individual decision to receive the vaccine and will not be required to be a part of our campuses.  Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask or face covering while inside campus facilities.  Unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to get a vaccine, to continue wearing a face covering, and to continue socially distancing from others when possible.  Updated protocols for isolation and quarantine will be in effect this semester in order to mitigate further spread of the coronavirus on our campuses.  USG guidance is subject to change based on recommendations for GA DPH.  MGA will remain flexible in their planning and be prepared to change course as necessary.  MGA will continue to provide updated information at this website:

COVID continues to be an evolving situation.  Carefully review your syllabus, D2L announcements, or email for details.

Tutoring Services
Tutoring is available free of charge on all MGA campuses for currently enrolled students.  To view center contact information, subjects tutored, and tutor availability, go to the Student Success Center (SSC).  SSC tutoring sessions may be scheduled online and face-to-face through the “Book an Appointment” link on the Student Success Center website.  Other services at the SSC include online academic workshops and a robust website with resources for academic assistance.  The centers also have computer workstations, printing, and Internet access.

Student Code of Conduct
Middle Georgia State University students are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by the MGA Student Code of Conduct.  The Student Code of Conduct, Responsibilities, Procedures and Rights are found at: Student Code of Conduct.

A plagiarism prevention service is used in evaluation of written work submitted for this course.  As directed by the instructor, students are expected to submit or have their assignments submitted through the service in order to meet requirements for this course.  The papers will be retained by the service for the sole purpose of checking for plagiarized content in future student submissions.

Accessibility Accommodations
Students seeking ADA accommodations must contact Middle Georgia State University Office of Accessibility Services in Macon at (478)471-2985 or in Cochran at (478)934-3023.  Information may be found at: Accessibility Services.

Withdrawal Policy
Students are encouraged to read the Withdrawal Policy before dropping/withdrawing from class.

University Closure or Delayed Opening
For notifications about emergencies (including weather events and campus closures) sign up for Knight Alerts.  In this class, monitor your announcements and email for updates and instructions.  

End of Course Evaluations
Student evaluations of faculty are administered online at the end of each term/session for all courses with five or more students.  Students will receive an email containing a link to a survey for each course in which they are enrolled.  All responses are anonymous. 

Campus Carry Legislation
For information regarding campus carry policies, visit Campus Carry.  


Useful Campus Links


Here are some useful links for a variety of services available at Middle Georgia State University.  You can find many others on the MGA Student Page

Counseling Services
For information and assistance with confidential counseling services, visit Counseling Services.

Veterans Services
Student veterans may obtain information and assistance by visiting Veterans Services.

To access library services, visit the Library.

The Writing Center
For help with any type of writing assignment, visit The Writing Center.


Course Participation

Here are the scheduled Lessons for our class. 
Please visit the Course Calendar (Schedule) for specific due dates.

Lesson 1 – Blog 1, Behavior Analysis 1, Reflection 1, and Quiz 1
Lesson 2 – Blog 2, Behavior Analysis 2, Reflection 2, and Quiz 2
Lesson 3 – Blog 3, Behavior Analysis 3, Reflection 3, and Quiz 3
Midterm Project

Lesson 4 – Blog 4, Behavior Analysis 4, Reflection 4, and Quiz 4
Lesson 5 – Blog 5, Behavior Analysis 5, Reflection 5, and Quiz 5
Lesson 6 – Blog 6, Behavior Analysis 6, Reflection 6, and Quiz 6
Final Project 

Student Attendance

This course is conducted entirely online, with no face-to-face meetings.  You should log-in to the course several times each week to participate in course activities, check e-mail and read announcements.  The course is asynchronous, meaning that you may log-in at your convenience (there are no required log-in times).  However, you are responsible for submitting all work by the due dates given in the Course Calendar.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct

Disciplinary action will be imposed for any academic misconduct, such as plagiarism or cheating on exams.  Academic misconduct is a serious offense, and I strictly enforce penalties for those who commit it. 

Penalty for first offense:
For the first offense, the usual penalty is failing the Course Lesson in which the misconduct was committed (but see the exception below).  To be specific, the student will receive a grade of zero on the quiz and all written assignments for that Course Lesson.  This will occur even in cases where the student has previously earned a passing grade on a written assignment and/or quiz for that Course Lesson.  

Penalty for second offense:
For a second offense, the student will fail the course.  To be specific, this means that the student will receive a final grade of “F” for the course, regardless of his or her actual grade average.

I reserve the right to give a failing grade of “F” in the course after a first offense in certain cases.  This will occur if, in my judgment, the academic misconduct is especially egregious.   

For MGA student conduct policies, refer to the Student Code of Conduct.

Course Policies

Time Expectations

You should expect to spend an average of 9-10 hours per week on this course.  Of this, 3 hours per week covers time that would be spent in lectures if this was a traditional classroom-based course.  The remaining 6-7 hours covers additional out-of-class activities expected in college courses. 

Reading Material
There is a reading assignment for each Lesson.  You should expect to spend about 3 hours per week reading, taking notes, analyzing the reading material, and understanding the concepts discussed.  This includes time preparing for the Quiz.

The Blog for each Lesson should take about 2 hours to complete, including time for topic selection, writing, and posting. 

Behavior Analysis
The Behavior Analysis for each Lesson should take about 3 hours to complete, including time for topic selection, research, writing, and submitting. 

The Reflection for each Lesson should take about 1 hour to complete, including time for composing and submitting your opinion. 

The Quiz for each Lesson should take 30-60 minutes to complete. 

Midterm Project
The Midterm Project is lengthy and will take considerable time to complete.  Expect to spend about 15 hours researching and writing your project. 

Final Project
The Final Project is lengthy and will take considerable time to complete.  Expect to spend about 15 hours researching and writing your project. 

Grading Policies


In this class there are six Lessons, worth 100 points each.

Each Lesson has four activities:

     1. Blog – worth 30 points
2. Behavior Analysis – worth 30 points
3. Reflection – worth 10 points
4. Quiz – worth 30 points

Overall grade = 100 points per Lesson

In the grade book, I’ll post your grade on each of the four activities.  When the Lesson is complete, I’ll post your overall grade for the Lesson. 

Midterm Project

Instead of a midterm exam, this class has a midterm project.
It is worth a maximum of 100 points.

Final Project

Also, instead of a final exam, this class has a final project.
It is worth a maximum of 100 points.

Total Grade

In total, you may earn a maximum of 800 points in this class.

     1. Six Lessons, worth 100 points each = 600 points
2. Midterm project = 100 points
3. Final project = 100 points

Computing Your Average

To compute your average, add together:

     1. The 6 Lesson grades (overall grade for each Lesson)
2. Your midterm project grade
3. Your final project grade

Divide the total by 8.

If your total is 675, divide by 8 (675/8) = 84.4
Your average is 84.4%

Letter Grades

I use the traditional method of assigning letter grades.
A = 90 or above
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59 or below

Late Work Policies

Four Days Late – for Blogs, Behavior Analyses and Reflection assignments

You may submit late work within four days after the due date for these assignments. No permission is required.  However, there is a 30% grade deduction for late work submitted during this four-day period.  I do not accept late work after the four-day grace period unless your absence is excused.

Excused Absence: If you have a legitimate reason for missing the due date, email your documentation (such as a doctor’s note, court document, jury summons, etc.).  There is no grade penalty for late work due to excused absences.

After Four Days

If you experience an unusual emergency and are away for more than four days, email me about your situation.  Be prepared to send documentation of the emergency.  I’ll handle these requests on a case-by-case basis.

Late Quizzes

The four-day late acceptance policy does not apply to Quizzes. If you have an excused absence (with documentation), I’ll give you an extension with no grade penalty.  Email me for assistance in this situation.

Late Midterm and Final Projects

The four-day late acceptance policy does not apply to the Midterm and Final Projects. If you have an excused absence (with documentation), I’ll give you an extension with no grade penalty.  Email me for assistance in this situation.  Note that the Final Project is due at the end of the semester. There is very little time left, so the extension will be short.

Late Extra Credit

The four-day late acceptance policy does not apply to Extra Credit.  When available, these opportunities are optional, not required.  To count for extra points the assignment must be submitted on time.


Course Assignments



Purpose of Blog Assignments

In a college course, students are expected to demonstrate their mastery of the learning outcomes for that course.  Tests are the traditional method of measuring learning, but other assignments can be used for the same purpose.  In this class, Blogs are one of the methods I use to assess learning.  You choose specific topics and, by assuming the role of a teacher, tell me what you have learned about them.  Your goal is to write an assignment that convinces your reader (me) that you have mastered your selected topics.            

Chapters for Blogs

Blog 1: Chapters 1-2
Blog 2: Chapters 3-4
Blog 3: Chapters 5-6
Blog 4: Chapters 7-8
Blog 5: Chapters 9-10
Blog 6: Chapters 11-12


How to Submit

Your Blogs are submitted in Brightspace.  In each Lesson, there is a link to submit the appropriate Blog.

Go to the Lesson, click the Blog link, then click “Start a New Thread” for a screen to type your subject and assignment.  Type or paste your assignment into the thread and click “post” to submit.

Everyone in class can see your post, so be careful not to reveal anything you wish to keep private.  Also, if you write about another person, get his/her permission before revealing names or other identifying information.  Or you can refer to the person by initials (not name). 


Instructions for Blog Assignments

Read the textbook chapters assigned for each Blog and choose five topics.  Your Blog must include five topics and be at least 500 words long for full credit.  (The total Blog should be 500 words, not each topic.). Also, you must include at least two outside sources for your Blog (not for each topic).  This means that at least two topics will include an outside source, such as a website or library book. You’ll need to cite the sources in your paper, and identify them in a reference list at the end.  (See below for a website that helps with reference citations.)      

Thoroughly explain the five topics you selected.  Use definitions and explanations from the textbook and outside sources.  To compose your Blog, step into the role of a teacher.  Imagine that you’re teaching the five topics to your classmates (or to me).  How would you explain the topics if everyone had to pass a test based on your teaching?  This is a chance to show that you understand the topics accurately and completely.    

Help with reference citations

The library at Austin Community College has a great guide for writing references in APA Style.


To see an example, visit this page and scroll down:  Blogs


Grading Criteria (Full Credit = 30 points)

Your grade will be based on three types of grading criteria.  The complete description for each type is found in the Blog grading rubric, which is attached to this assignment in Brightspace.  Before submitting your work, review the rubric to understand how points will be earned.  Here is a short version of the requirements for full credit: 

Criterion Type 1 – Assignment parameters
For full credit, your Blog includes 5 topics and is at least 500 words long.  The topics are selected from the correct textbook chapters, as assigned.  Your assignment includes at least two outside sources, cited in the blog and correctly formatted in APA or MLA style in a reference list.  This means two sources per blog (not two sources per topic).

Criterion Type 2 – Subject matter
For full credit, your Blog demonstrates excellent understanding of the five topics.  Your explanations are completely accurate and correct.

Criterion Type 3 – Formatting and style
For full credit, all paragraphs begin with the topic and page number.  If you are using an online textbook without page numbers, use the section heading instead.  Your writing is smooth and error-free, and there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.  If you use an outside source that is not written in English, you have provided a translation.    



Disrespectful language, attitudes, or other behavior is strictly forbidden, and will result in a grade of zero for your Blog.



Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source.  You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less), but it is not required.  If you use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.  You may use APA or MLA style for your bibliography.

Exception:  You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter and page number (or section heading).  Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.  

Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work.  Do not give your work to another student to be copied.

Do not use online “rewording” engines or purchased papers.

If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the penalties described in the course syllabus.


Behavior Analyses


Purpose of Behavior Analysis Assignments

Like the Blogs, these Behavior Analysis assignments are an opportunity to show mastery of our course learning outcomes.  It’s another method that reduces the reliance on test scores, and gives you more control over demonstrating how much you’ve learned.  In this assignment you will choose specific topics, then analyze an example of each topic.  Your goal is to apply the “book learning” from this class to real life.  If your application is correct, it will indicate that you have mastered your selected topics. 

Difference Between Blogs and Behavior Analysis Assignments

These two assignments seem similar on the surface, but they each have a different focus and purpose.  Blogs are like reports.  You analyze the material in your book, clarify it, and teach it back to me.  This is a chance to showcase your ability to analyze and synthesize complex material.  On the other hand, Behavior Analysis assignments connect our coursework to real life.  You apply the book concepts to observable behaviors.  Behavior Analysis assignments provide the opportunity to show that you’ve absorbed the true meaning of the course concepts, and can recognize them in life.                   


Chapters for Behavior Analysis Assignments

Behavior Analysis 1: Chapters 1-2
Behavior Analysis 2: Chapters 3-4
Behavior Analysis 3: Chapters 5-6
Behavior Analysis 4: Chapters 7-8
Behavior Analysis 5: Chapters 9-10
Behavior Analysis 6: Chapters 11-12

How to Submit

Your Behavior Analysis assignments are submitted in Brightspace.  In each Lesson, there is a link to submit the appropriate Behavior Analysis.

Go to the Lesson and click on “Behavior Analysis.”  This will give you a screen to attach and submit your assignment. 

If you write about another person, get his/her permission before revealing names or other identifying information.  Or you can refer to the person by initials (not name). 

Instructions for Behavior Analysis Assignments

Read the textbook chapters assigned for each Behavior Analysis and choose five topics.  The topics must be different from those used in your Blog.  If you repeat a topic it will not earn credit.  Your Behavior Analysis must include five topics and be at least 500 words long for full credit.  (The total Behavior Analysis should be 500 words, not each topic.) Also, you must include at least two outside sources for your Behavior Analysis (not for each topic).  This means that at least two topics will include an outside source, such as a website or library book. You’ll need to cite the sources in your paper, and identify them in a reference list at the end. (See below for a website that helps with reference citations.)  

For each topic, begin by giving a brief definition and explanation.  Next, share an example of a person’s behavior that shows your topic.  Describe the person’s behavior and explain why this is an appropriate example of your topic.  Remember that I’m expecting you to apply the “book learning” about your topic to a “real life” example.  There is an exception – you may use a fictional example (TV show, movie, etc.) if you can’t observe one in real life.  Some media examples are so realistic that they serve the same purpose.  Keep in mind that the definition part of this assignment is short.  Most of each topic should focus on your example.

To compose your Behavior Analysis, step into the role of a witness.  Imagine that you see an example and make a video of the person.  Your task is to write an analysis of the behavior, in psychological terms, as though you’re describing the video.  


Help with reference citations

The library at Austin Community College has a great guide for writing references in APA Style.


To see an example, visit this page and scroll down:  Behavior Analyses


Grading Criteria (Full Credit = 30 points)

Your grade will be based on three types of grading criteria.  The complete description for each type is found in the Behavior Analysis grading rubric, which is attached to this assignment in Brightspace.  Before submitting your work, review the rubric to understand how points will be earned.  Here is a short version of the requirements for full credit: 

Criterion Type 1 – Assignment parameters
For full credit, your Behavior Analysis includes 5 topics and is at least 500 words long.  You did not repeat any Blog topics. The topics are selected from the correct textbook chapters, as assigned.  Your assignment includes at least two outside sources, cited in the behavior analysis and correctly formatted in APA or MLA style in a reference list.  This means two sources per behavior analysis assignment (not two sources per topic).

Criterion Type 2 – Subject matter
For full credit, your Behavior Analysis demonstrates excellent application of the five topics.  Your examples are completely accurate and correct.

Criterion Type 3 – Formatting and style
For full credit, all paragraphs begin with the topic and page number.  If you are using an online textbook without page numbers, use the section heading instead.  Your writing is smooth and error-free, and there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.  If you use an outside source that is not written in English, you have provided a translation.    



Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source.  You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less), but it is not required.  If you use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.  You may use APA or MLA style for your bibliography.

Exception:  You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter and page number (or section heading).  Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.  

Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work.  Do not give your work to another student to be copied.

Do not use online “rewording” engines or purchased papers.

If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the penalties described in the course syllabus.




Purpose of Reflection Assignments

The Reflections are a final opportunity to remember what you’ve learned in each Lesson.  I’ve asked a question designed to deepen your thinking about the material, and hopefully make the topics more memorable.  


How to Submit

Your Reflections are submitted in Brightspace.  In each Lesson, there is a link to submit the appropriate Reflection.

Go to the Lesson and click on “Reflection.”  This will give you a screen to attach and submit your assignment. 

If you write about another person, get his/her permission before revealing names or other identifying information.  Or you can refer to the person by initials (not name). 


Instructions for Reflection Assignments

Each Reflection asks you to list the 10 topics from your Blog and Behavior Analysis (in that Lesson).  List the topics and answer the assigned question with a paragraph of at least 200 words. 


Assignments for Reflection Assignments

To see a list of the specific assignments for each Reflection, visit:  Reflections


Grading Criteria (Full Credit = 10 points)

Your grade will be based on the criteria in the Reflections grading rubric, which is attached to this assignment in Brightspace.  Before submitting your work, review the rubric to understand how points will be earned. 

For full credit, list the 10 topics as requested and complete the assigned question.  Your answer must have at least 200 words, with no spelling or grammar mistakes.  It must show excellent analysis and effort in formulating an opinion. 



Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source.  You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less), but it is not required.  If you use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.  You may use APA or MLA style for your bibliography.

Exception:  You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter and page number (or section heading).  Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.  

Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work.  Do not give your work to another student to be copied.

Do not use online “rewording” engines or purchased papers.

If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the penalties described in the course syllabus.





Format of Quizzes

Each quiz consists of 15 multiple-choice questions, worth 2 points each.  The highest possible quiz score is 30 points.  Each person’s questions are randomly selected from a larger group of questions.  Your quiz will be unique.


Chapters for Quizzes

Quiz 1: Chapters 1-2
Quiz 2: Chapters 3-4
Quiz 3: Chapters 5-6
Quiz 4: Chapters 7-8
Quiz 5: Chapters 9-10
Quiz 6: Chapters 11-12

How to Submit

Your Quizzes are submitted in Brightspace.  In each Lesson, there is a link to submit the appropriate Quiz.

Go to the Lesson and click the Quiz link.  This brings you to a page with a button to start the Quiz.  After clicking the start button, you will have 1 hour to complete the Quiz.

Quiz Policies

After 1 hour the Quiz will stop saving answers.  It will still show on your screen, but no additional answers will save.

You have one chance to take each Quiz.  You cannot leave and re-enter the Quiz.  (After seeing the questions it’s unfair to have another opportunity.)

You may use books and notes on the Quizzes.  But remember the 1-hour time limit.  There won’t be enough time to find information if you are unprepared, so you must still study the material and be very familiar with it.

Each quiz opens on the first day of its corresponding Lesson.  (This is usually the day after the previous Lesson ends.)  Once open, the quiz will remain available until 11:59 p.m. on the due date listed in the Calendar.  You may take the Quiz at any time during the period it is open.

If you have technical issues during the Quiz, email me right away.  I can usually verify the issue and reset your Quiz while it is still open.

Do not attempt to take your Quiz on a tablet or phone.  It rarely works for the entire Quiz, and you will waste your one allowable attempt.



Midterm Project

Purpose of Midterm Project

The Midterm Project is a “big picture” assignment that give you an opportunity to synthesize multiple course concepts into an overall thesis.  You will look beyond the confines of our course, and see how the material you’ve learned fits into the broader discipline of psychology, and how it connects to the real world.

Overall Theme of Midterm Project:  Connecting one’s state of mind to the social environment

Two Options

Choose one of these options for your paper:

1.    Attitudes and persuasion
This option may focus on any type of attitude and how it is affected by persuasive techniques.  Examples include:  Political beliefs, advertising, social influencers, opinions about social issues (such as gun control, abortion, vaccines, etc.), religious beliefs, policies that affect immigrants, etc.  These are only examples – you are free to choose other subjects.

Exception:  DO NOT write about prejudice and discrimination, because that option will be included in your Final Project choices.

2.    Stress linked to a social situation or mental health issue (or both)
This option may focus on the link between stress and any social situation, or stress and a mental health issue.  In some cases, the social situation and mental health issue are intertwined, so it’s fine to include both.  Examples include:  Workplace conditions affecting family life, college stress affecting marriages, suicide linked to isolation, unemployment and depression, bullying and aggression, bereavement and alcoholism, etc.  These are only examples – you are free to choose other subjects.

Course Materials for Midterm Project

You may use any of the readings or other course materials for this project.  It is not limited to any particular textbook chapters or Lessons.  Also, you will use research from outside sources that you have located and selected to support your work. (Remember the Austin Community College guide for writing references in APA Style.)


How to Submit

Your Midterm Project will be submitted in Brightspace.  After Lesson 5, there is a Midterm Project module, with a link to the instructions and a place to submit your assignment.

If you write about another person, get his/her permission before revealing names or other identifying information.  Or you can refer to the person by initials (not name). 

Instructions for Midterm Project

Your Midterm Project should be a well-written and supported term paper.  Choose your option (from above) and then select a more specific subject.  Once you have selected a subject, begin researching material from our textbook and outside sources to describe and explain it.  You should include:

  • A beginning thesis paragraph which describes your subject and the theme of your paper.  In other words, what are you going to tell me about your subject?

  • Specific information from the textbook showing how people are affected by your subject.  Include at least five specific topics from the textbook.

  • Information from outside sources that further explains and supports the theme of your paper.  Include at least five outside reference sources (from books or the Internet).

  • Use your book and outside sources to gather information about family, environmental, social, cultural, economic or other contributing conditions.  Be creative – your paper may include other factors and issues, as long as they are relevant to the theme of your Project.  Also, feel free to incorporate more advanced concepts (from your research) that are relevant to your theme.

  • A closing paragraph, which summarizes the main points of your paper.

  • For full credit, your paper must be at least 2000 words long.

Grading Criteria (Full Credit = 100 points)

Your grade will be based on four types of grading criteria.  The complete description for each type is found in the Midterm Project grading rubric, which is attached to this assignment in Brightspace.  Before submitting your work, review the rubric to understand how points will be earned.  Here is a short version of the requirements for full credit: 

Criterion Type 1 – Assignment parameters
For full credit, your Midterm Project includes five textbook references, five outside sources, and is at least 2000 words long. Your five textbook topics are cited by page number (or section heading) in the paper.  Your five outside sources are cited in the paper, and listed in a correctly formatted APA or MLA bibliography.  

Criterion Type 2 – Selection of Subject and Sources
For full credit, your Midterm Project is based on a subject correctly selected from one (of the two) assignment options.  Your textbook and outside references are directly relevant to your subject and support the theme of your paper. 

Criterion Type 3 – Application of Subject and Sources
For full credit, your Midterm Project makes substantial use of the textbook and outside reference sources.  Your paper demonstrates excellent understanding of the subject, textbook, and references.  Definitions and explanations are accurate and well-supported by your textbook and reference sources. You cite each textbook topic and outside source in specific spots in your paper, as appropriate, to support your theme.         

Criterion Type 4 – Formatting and style
For full credit, your paper is well-developed, with a beginning thesis paragraph and a final summary paragraph.  Your writing is smooth and error-free, with logical connections between thoughts and examples.  There are no spelling or grammar mistakes.  If you use an outside source that is not written in English, you have provided a translation.    



Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source.  You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less), but it is not required.  If you use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.  You may use APA or MLA style for your bibliography.

Exception:  You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter and page number (or section heading).  Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.  

Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work.  Do not give your work to another student to be copied.

Do not use online “rewording” engines or purchased papers.

If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the penalties described in the course syllabus.


Final Project

Purpose of Final Project

The Final Project is a “big picture” assignment that give you an opportunity to synthesize multiple course concepts into an overall thesis.  You will look beyond the confines of our course, and see how the material you’ve learned fits into the broader discipline of psychology, and how it connects to the real world.

Overall Theme of Final Project:  Applying social psychological principles to society

Two Options

Choose one of these options for your paper:

1. Helping, altruism, and cooperative behaviors
This option may focus on any prosocial behavior and how it might be encouraged, based on social psychological principles.  Examples include:  reducing conflict among political factions, cooperation between business and charitable organizations, promoting understanding between different religious groups, increasing volunteerism in local communities, or equitable distribution of school tax revenue among low- and high-income communities. These are only examples – you are free to choose other subjects.

2. The costs of prejudice and discrimination
This option may focus on any of the societal costs of prejudice and discrimination.  Examples include:  real estate redlining, intergenerational wealth, unemployment and ageism, unemployment and racism, sexist design of social security benefits, unequal access to healthcare, etc.  These are only examples – you are free to choose other subjects.

Course Materials for Final Project

You may use any of the readings or other course materials for this project.  It is not limited to any particular textbook chapters or Lessons.  Also, you will use research from outside sources that you have located and selected to support your work. (Remember the Austin Community College guide for writing references in APA Style.)


How to Submit

Your Final Project will be submitted in Brightspace.  After Lesson 10, there is a Final Project module, with a link to the instructions and a place to submit your assignment.

If you write about another person, get his/her permission before revealing names or other identifying information.  Or you can refer to the person by initials (not name). 

Instructions for Final Project

Your Final Project should be a well-written and supported term paper.  Choose your option (from above) and then select a more specific subject.  Once you have selected a subject, begin researching material from our textbook and outside sources to describe and explain it.  You should include:

  • A beginning thesis paragraph which describes your subject and the theme of your paper.  In other words, what are you going to tell me about your subject?

  • Specific information from the textbook showing how people are affected by your subject.  Include at least five specific topics from the textbook.

  • Information from outside sources that further explains and supports the theme of your paper.  Include at least five outside reference sources (from books or the Internet).

  • Use your book and outside sources to gather information about legal, ethical, social, cultural or other considerations that might influence your subject.  Be creative – your paper may include other factors and issues, as long as they are related to your Project.  Also, feel free to incorporate more advanced concepts (from your research) that are relevant to your theme.

  • A closing paragraph, which summarizes the main points of your paper.

  • For full credit, your paper must be at least 2000 words long.

Grading Criteria (Full Credit = 100 points)

Your grade will be based on four types of grading criteria.  The complete description for each type is found in the Final Project grading rubric, which is attached to this assignment in Brightspace.  Before submitting your work, review the rubric to understand how points will be earned.  Here is a short version of the requirements for full credit: 

Criterion Type 1 – Assignment parameters
For full credit, your Final Project includes five textbook references, five outside sources, and is at least 2000 words long. Your five textbook topics are cited by page number (or section heading) in the paper.  Your five outside sources are cited in the paper, and listed in a correctly formatted APA or MLA bibliography.  

Criterion Type 2 – Selection of Subject and Sources
For full credit, your Final Project is based on a subject correctly selected from one (of the two) assignment options, including cross-over topics if appropriate.  Your textbook and outside references are directly relevant to your subject and support the theme of your paper. 

Criterion Type 3 – Application of Subject and Sources
For full credit, your Final Project makes substantial use of the textbook and outside reference sources.  Your paper demonstrates excellent understanding of the subject, textbook, and references.  Definitions and explanations are accurate and well-supported by your textbook and reference sources. You cite each textbook topic and outside source in specific spots in your paper, as appropriate, to support your theme.         

Criterion Type 4 – Formatting and style
For full credit, your paper is well-developed, with a beginning thesis paragraph and a final summary paragraph.  Your writing is smooth and error-free, with logical connections between thoughts and examples.  There are no spelling or grammar mistakes.  If you use an outside source that is not written in English, you have provided a translation.   



Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source.  You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less), but it is not required.  If you use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.  You may use APA or MLA style for your bibliography.

Exception:  You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter and page number (or section heading).  Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.  

Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work.  Do not give your work to another student to be copied.

Do not use online “rewording” engines or purchased papers.

If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the penalties described in the course syllabus.