Reflection Instructions

Purpose of Reflection Assignments

The Reflections are a final opportunity to remember what you’ve learned in each Lesson.  I’ve asked a question designed to deepen your thinking about the material, and hopefully make the topics more memorable.   


How to Submit

Your Reflections are submitted in Brightspace.  In each Lesson, there is a link to submit the appropriate Reflection.

Go to the Lesson and click on “Reflection.”  This will give you a screen to attach and submit your assignment.  

If you write about another person, get his/her permission before revealing names or other identifying information.  Or you can refer to the person by initials (not name).  


Instructions for Reflection Assignments

Answer the assigned prompt with a paragraph of at least 200 words. Include at least 2 topics from the readings. 


Grading Criteria (Full Credit = 10 points)

Your grade will be based on the criteria in the Reflections grading rubric, which is attached to this assignment in Brightspace.  Before submitting your work, review the rubric to understand how points will be earned. 

For full credit, your answer must have at least 200 words, with no spelling or grammar mistakes, and it must include at least 2 topics from the readings.  Your answer must show excellent analysis and effort in formulating an opinion. 



Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source.  You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less), but it is not required.  If you use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.  You may use APA or MLA style for your bibliography.

Exception:  You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter and page number (or section heading).  Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.  

Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work.  Do not give your work to another student to be copied.

Do not use online “rewording” engines or purchased papers.

Do not use any form of AI to write your assignment.

If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the penalties described in the course syllabus. 

Reflection Assignments

Reflection 1

Describe a time when you experienced one of the topics introduced in Chapter 2.  For example, many people can recall behaving in an unusual way due to ego-depletion.  The term may be new, but it fits a remembered situation.  Another common example is self-handicapping.  Many of us have been frustrated to watch a friend or family member underperform due to self-handicapping. 

TO DO:  Write a paragraph of at least 200 words describing the episode.  Include at least 2 terms from the reading material.  How has learning this week’s material influenced your thinking about the event?  What advice would you give yourself or another person in a similar future situation?    


Reflection 2

Think about a time that someone was completely misjudged or prejudged.  It can be you or another person.  After reading this week’s material, apply some course terms to the episode and try to evaluate it from a psychological perspective. 

TO DO:  Write a paragraph of at least 200 words describing the episode.  Include at least 2 terms from the reading material.  From a psychological perspective, explain how you’ve gained a better understanding of what happened.  Offer a bit of advice or wisdom to help someone avoid this type of situation in the future.


Reflection 3

Option 1:  Have you ever seen a person who was persuaded to think or do something?  Did they regret it later?  After reading this week’s material, can you offer an explanation about how the person was persuaded? 

Option 2:  Think about a time you encountered someone with completely different attitudes and beliefs than your own.  Was there a discussion?  Was either person’s attitude changed by the encounter?  Did it end well? 

TO DO:  Choose one of the options and write a paragraph of at least 200 words describing the episode.  Include at least 2 terms from the reading material.  Explain how your new psychological knowledge might change the way you’d act if faced with a similar situation in the future.      


Reflection 4

Option 1:  Think about a time when someone was expected to conform, comply or obey.  Did s/he?  Based on this week’s lesson, can you postulate why the person did (or did not) behave as expected?   

Option 2:  Think of a situation when someone performed better, worse, or in a specific way because of being in a group.  Using this week’s lesson, can the person’s behavior be understood?

TO DO:  Choose one of the options and write a paragraph of at least 200 words describing the episode.  Include at least 2 terms from the reading material.  If you were faced with a similar situation, would you want your actions to be different from the person (or people) you described?  If so, how might you influence yourself to behave differently?  If not, explain the reasons you believe that the person(s) behaved appropriately.      


Reflection 5

This lesson focuses on interpersonal relationships, especially the components of attraction between people and aggression between people. 

Option 1:  Given what you’ve learned, is there anything you would like to change in a relationship in your life?    

Option 2:  Given what you’ve learned, how would you approach forming a new relationship (friendship or romantic)? 

TO DO:  Choose one of the options and write a paragraph of at least 200 words.  Include at least 2 terms from the reading material. 


Reflection 6 

Option 1:  Imagine yourself in this scenario:  You’re alone in an airport or bus station.  Your plane ticket, wallet, passport, and phone were in your backpack, which has been stolen.  Based on this week’s lesson, what are some strategies you might use to get help?  

Option 2:  Based on the materials in Lesson 6, how can you improve your health, both now and in the future? 

TO DO:  Choose one of the options and write a paragraph of at least 200 words.  Include at least 2 terms from the reading material.